Well, before you know about the role of protein in our body you should know about what proteins are and why it is required in your body.
What are proteins?
Basically proteins are the amino acids. Or, more correctly you can say that amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. These amino acids are not same but are of different types.
Inside the cells of your body, the cell machinery called Ribosomes produces proteins in your body. Ribosomes thus are the protein-factory of the cell.

Types of amino acids :
When you learn about amino acids you should also have an idea of what are the different types of amino acids.
Amino acids are basically of two types: Essential amino acids and Non-essential amino acids.
As the name suggests, the essential amino acids are the ones which cannot be prepared by your own body. Example includes: Histidine, Lysine, Valine, Tryptophan, Lysine, Leucine, etc.Thus, we should include these essential amino acids in our daily diets.
Whereas, non-essential are the ones that your body synthesises itself. Example includes: Arginine, Glutamine, Serine, Alanine, Glycine, etc. Thus, we should not include these acids in our daily diets.
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Here are the top 6 roles of proteins in our body:
1. Proteins help your body to grow.
To find the role of protein in our body you must also know that your body requires right amount of proteins to grow well from every angles. Without proteins no living organisms can grow to its elder forms.
A child will grow retard if his/her body do not gets proper amount of proteins. Thus, at an early age the child body requires proteins.

For the adults, the necessity of protein is a must. Your body is growing from all sides thus, for the active growth of the body cells your body needs protein in right amount.
You might have heard doctors suggesting the recovering patients to have more of the proteinaceous foods. This is because more proteins are required for the maintenance of the tissues.
2. Proteins help in maintaining pH of your body.
It is the proteins that maintains the adequate pH balance in your body. The maintenance of acids and bases concentration in your body plays an important role for your bodily fluids. This balance of acids-bases is measured with the help of a scale called pH scale.
3. Acting as Chemical messengers is another role of protein in our body.
All the body receptors are made up proteins and protein products. These receptors helps in the proper interaction of the different tissues or organs of your body. So that they can work in a efficient manner or in coordinated manner.
5. Proteins also help in building good immune system of your body.
You might have heard about immune system of your body. The immune system of your body helps in preventing you against various illness or diseases.
Thus, in building your immune system strong protein plays a crucial role. It is the protein that builds more of the disease fighting cells in your body.

6. Protein helps in healing of wounds and tissue regeneration.
Moreover, proteins are also involved in healing of any injury in your body that results in the damage of your body tissues. They further helps in building cut portions again to its original conditions, etc.
Since proteins have different roles to play in your body, it has to be maintained in proper quantity in your body. Also, the important thing to ponder is that excessive intake of proteins can lead to fatty disease symdrome.

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